べっぴん~ちゃん ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭♡Welcome to my domain among the clouds~
As the protector of the Reamls of Beoths in the iiiSekai Multiverse, and Goddess to the peoples of these realities I humbly bring to you gifts and love from afar! Traveling throughout beautiful dreams and the ethereal moments in the sky above.
Bitsy & Bepïn

Join us Live on Youtube!Bep Bep Best Friends, Bitsy_the _Alien and BepBepBepin, we game together and do art trades all the time~!

iiiSekai Studios
Our little studio makes all kinds of things, come take a look!Bepin helps by managing the shop and writing the emails to keep all you Tasty Cookie up to date on the Stranger Relms~!